In 1996, Renny Pvt Ltd embarked on its dynamic journey. Founded under the prudent leadership of Mr. Dev Gupta & Mr. Binny Gupta, Renny Pvt Ltd. aimed to carve a niche in producing Innovative, Sustainable & Industry-fit Steel Products at Competitive Prices.
Headquartered in Ludhiana, specializing in the production of Narrow HR Coils, ERW Pipes, Scaffolding & Formwork & Industrial Paints. Renny, adheres to core values of Stringent Standards, Innovative Product Range, Sustainable Manufacturing Processes & Unwavering Customer Satisfaction.
With 3 Strategically Located, state-of-the-art Fully Integrated Manufacturing Facilities in Punjab, Renny boasts a production capacity of 300,000 MTPA. The company’s diverse & cost-effective product portfolio includes over 1,000 SKUs, establishing it as one of the foremost ERW Pipes & Tubes, Formworks & Scaffolding manufacturers in North India.
Renny operates in 4 verticals: the Coil Division, Pipe Division, Scaffolding & Formwork Division, Industrial Paint Division. Under Coil division, Renny produces Premium Quality HR Coils, in the Pipe division the key products are MS Black & Galvanized Hollow Section in Round, Square & Rectangular shapes.
A significant turn in Renny’s story occurred a year ago when the next generation joined the family business, Mr. Sarthak Gupta. he has taken a leadership role to augment the overall business growth. With his initiative Renny launched Scaffolding & Formwork Division which is a One-Stop Solution for Scaffolding & Formwork with Specialized Products.